

补充健康pp王者电子官网1 和附加健康pp王者电子官网2 您是否可以购买额外的pp王者电子官网来帮助个人和家庭处理额外的医疗费用和与住院有关的额外费用.

获得补充健康pp王者电子官网或 补充健康+ 引用*


*Offers vary by state and may go by such names as hospital confinement indemnity, 医院赔偿, 或者医院收入. 马萨诸塞州、新泽西州和罗德岛州不提供.

What’s the difference between 补充健康pp王者电子官网 和附加健康pp王者电子官网?

补充健康pp王者电子官网 pays up to $1000 more in admissions benefit, it lacks the additional 附加健康pp王者电子官网 延长护理等福利, 紧急事故, 门诊手术, 观察范围和救护车服务.

比较补充健康pp王者电子官网和 附加健康pp王者电子官网


补充 健康pp王者电子官网

补充 健康pp王者电子官网










观察利益* *






比较补充健康pp王者电子官网和 补充健康pp王者电子官网 +









观察利益* *











观察利益* *






*Offers vary by state and may go by such names as hospital confinement indemnity, 医院赔偿, 或者医院收入. 马萨诸塞州、新泽西州和罗德岛州不提供.


补充pp王者电子官网不仅可以帮助你支付基本健康pp王者电子官网政策未涵盖的费用, 但它也有其他优势.



状态 Farm®支付住院津贴3美元,如果受保人必须住院和住院,则支付住院住院津贴第一天500美元(1美元),蒙大拿500美元,3美元,在新墨西哥州和纽约,有000人). This benefit is payable a maximum of one time per calendar year per covered person.


国家农场支付250美元的住院津贴3 for each day a covered person is necessarily admitted and confined in a hospital. This benefit is payable a maximum of 365 days for any one confinement. If a hospital observation stay and a hospital confinement occur on the same day, 只支付住院费.


州立农场支付250美元的重症监护津贴3 for each day a covered person is necessarily confined in the intensive care unit of a hospital. 每次分娩最多可领取30天(爱达荷州为31天)的补助金,是在住院分娩补助金之外支付的.


如果是马里兰州要求对所有住院病人进行使用审查的结果, 你需要第二意见, 每次发生我们将支付125美元.



国家农场支付住院津贴2美元,如果受保人必须住院和住院,则支付住院住院津贴第一天500美元(1美元),在蒙大拿州有000人). This benefit is payable a maximum of one time per calendar year per covered person.

国家农业pp王者电子官网公司为pg电子官方网页版必须住院和住院的每一天支付250美元的住院津贴. This benefit is payable a maximum of 365 days for any one confinement. If a hospital observation stay and a hospital confinement occur on the same day, 只支付住院费.

国家农业pp王者电子官网公司为pg电子官方网页版在医院的重症监护病房每天支付250美元的重症监护津贴. 每次分娩最多可支付30天的补助金,是住院分娩补助金的补充.

国家农场为pg电子官方网页版在医院观察病房接受门诊治疗的每一天支付250美元的医院观察津贴,并支付观察室费用. This benefit is payable a maximum of 14 days per observation stay. A maximum of three hospital observation stays shall be payable per calendar year per covered person. (新墨西哥州不提供此福利. 科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州有限的补充pp王者电子官网).

pp王者电子官网人因受伤需要紧急治疗,国家农业pp王者电子官网公司每天支付250美元的紧急事故福利金. Emergency treatment must be provided by a physician in a physician's office, 紧急护理设施, or hospital emergency room and be received within 72 hours of the injury, or within 12 months of the injury for New Hampshire and Washington. This benefit is payable a maximum of three days per calendar year per covered person. 每位受保人每天只应支付一项福利. (科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州有限的补充pp王者电子官网).

州立农场支付125美元的延长护理津贴,而受保人是延长护理机构的住院居民. 延长护理设施的住院时间必须在住院至少3天之后,并为此支付住院津贴, 在住院后30天内开始, 唯一目的是在因同一伤害或疾病而住院的康复期间接受医疗照顾, 并且每个日历年不得超过60天. 这一福利不适用于监护.

州立农业pp王者电子官网公司为pg电子官方网页版的门诊手术支付250美元的门诊手术pp王者电子官网金. 手术必须是治疗或诊断受伤或疾病所必需的,并由医生在医疗机构进行. This benefit is payable a maximum of 12 days per calendar year per covered person. Only one 门诊手术 benefit shall be payable per day, per covered person. 如果受保人被限制在医院或在延长护理设施住院,则不支付此补助金. (科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州有限的补充pp王者电子官网).

如果被pp王者电子官网人因受伤或生病需要救护车往返医院或在医疗设施之间运输,州立农场支付500美元的地面和1000美元的空中救护车pp王者电子官网金. 对于地面救护车,每位被pp王者电子官网人每日历年最多支付一次,对于空中救护车,每位被pp王者电子官网人每日历年最多支付一次(科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州的有限补充pp王者电子官网)。.

如果是马里兰州要求对所有住院病人进行使用审查的结果, 你需要第二意见, 每次发生我们将支付125美元.

国家农场支付住院津贴2美元,如果受保人必须住院和住院,则支付住院住院津贴第一天500美元(1美元),在蒙大拿州有000人). This benefit is payable a maximum of one time per calendar year per covered person.

国家农业pp王者电子官网公司为pg电子官方网页版必须住院和住院的每一天支付250美元的住院津贴. This benefit is payable a maximum of 365 days for any one confinement. If a hospital observation stay and a hospital confinement occur on the same day, 只支付住院费.

国家农业pp王者电子官网公司为pg电子官方网页版在医院的重症监护病房每天支付250美元的重症监护津贴. 每次分娩最多可支付30天的补助金,是住院分娩补助金的补充.

国家农场为pg电子官方网页版在医院观察病房接受门诊治疗的每一天支付250美元的医院观察津贴,并支付观察室费用. This benefit is payable a maximum of 14 days per observation stay. A maximum of three hospital observation stays shall be payable per calendar year per covered person. (新墨西哥州不提供此福利. 科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州有限的补充pp王者电子官网).

pp王者电子官网人因受伤需要紧急治疗,国家农业pp王者电子官网公司每天支付250美元的紧急事故福利金. Emergency treatment must be provided by a physician in a physician's office, 紧急护理设施, or hospital emergency room and be received within 72 hours of the injury, or within 12 months of the injury for New Hampshire and Washington.

This benefit is payable a maximum of three days per calendar year per covered person. 每位受保人每天只应支付一项福利. (科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州有限的补充pp王者电子官网).

州立农场支付125美元的延长护理津贴,而受保人是延长护理机构的住院居民. 延长护理设施的住院时间必须在住院至少3天之后,并为此支付住院津贴, 在住院后30天内开始, 唯一目的是在因同一伤害或疾病而住院的康复期间接受医疗照顾, 并且每个日历年不得超过60天. 这一福利不适用于监护.

州立农业pp王者电子官网公司为pg电子官方网页版的门诊手术支付250美元的门诊手术pp王者电子官网金. 手术必须是治疗或诊断受伤或疾病所必需的,并由医生在医疗机构进行. This benefit is payable a maximum of 12 days per calendar year per covered person.

Only one 门诊手术 benefit shall be payable per day, per covered person. 如果受保人被限制在医院或在延长护理设施住院,则不支付此补助金. (科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州有限的补充pp王者电子官网).

如果被pp王者电子官网人因受伤或生病需要救护车往返医院或在医疗设施之间运输,州立农场支付500美元的地面和1000美元的空中救护车pp王者电子官网金. 对于地面救护车,每位被pp王者电子官网人每日历年最多支付一次,对于空中救护车,每位被pp王者电子官网人每日历年最多支付一次(科罗拉多州和宾夕法尼亚州的有限补充pp王者电子官网)。.

如果是马里兰州要求对所有住院病人进行使用审查的结果, 你需要第二意见, 每次发生我们将支付125美元.


Filing a health insurance claim is simple and can be done in one of two ways. 选择最适合你的选项.

  • 把你的账单拿到州立农场代理的办公室.
  • 请致电我们的健康响应中心 866-855-1212866-855-1212 索取索赔表格.






From decoding jargon to understanding policies, learn what 状态 Farm has learned over the years.


Walk through the steps you’ll need to know to make a change to your current health policy.

1 具体地说, 医院的收入, 医院赔偿, 医院坐月子赔偿范围, 医院坐月子补偿政策, 补充健康pp王者电子官网 and Daily Hospital Confinement Indemnity.
2 在康涅狄格、爱达荷和纽约不提供.
3 适合纽约居民, 如果你因生病或受伤而住院, 你将获得240美元(布朗克斯县), 国王, 拿骚, 纽约, 皇后区, 里士满, 萨福克郡, Rockland and Westchester) or $165 (all other counties) for each day you’re charged room and board, 最多365天. 如果你在重症监护室, the policy pays an additional daily benefit of $240 (counties of Bronx, 国王, 拿骚, 纽约, 皇后区, 里士满, 萨福克郡, Rockland and Westchester) or $165 (all other counties) for each day you are t在这里, 最多30天.

This is a marketing tool intended for use in the sale of insurance. Completion of an application for a 状态 Farm insurance policy will require contact with a 州立农场代理人/持牌pp王者电子官网生产商.

This is a supplement to health insurance and is not a substitute for major medical coverage. 缺乏主要医疗pp王者电子官网(或其他最低基本pp王者电子官网)可能会导致您在纳税时额外支付.

If you currently have a health spending arrangement such as a 健康 储蓄 Account (HSA), 或者你打算将来开一家, please consult your tax advisor about the features offered in these supplemental health policies, 以及合并这些计划可能带来的税收影响.

该信息仅提供了覆盖范围的简要描述. 这不是合同. 某些例外和限制适用. 并非所有州都适用此政策. Policy coverage, exclusions, and limitations may vary in some states. A complete statement of coverage is found only in the policy and any attached riders. For exact terms and conditions see: 补充健康pp王者电子官网 policy series 97071 or 97072. ID中的补充健康pp王者电子官网保单表单为97072ID. This policy is Guaranteed Renewable except in the event of fraud, 材料误传, 不支付pp王者电子官网费, 或保单到期. Renewal premiums will increase periodically depending on your age. 有关pp王者电子官网范围和费用的更多详情,请联系a 州立农场代理人/持牌pp王者电子官网生产商.


以下各州要求政策排除, 异常, 并在本营销材料中提供了限制. For exact terms and conditions see the 补充健康pp王者电子官网 policy available in your state.


This policy does not provide benefits for any loss incurred which is caused by or results from:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, complications of pregnancy shall be considered as a Sickness; 2. Any attempt at suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted Injury, whether sane or insane; 3. Mental or nervous disease or disorder for more than 30 days per calendar year for the same or related disease or disorder; 4. Routine well-baby care for newborn children; 5. Any type of hernia or hemorrhoids or any ailment or disease of the tonsils, 腺样体, 如果在本保单对被pp王者电子官网人生效后90天内开始隔离,则不得使用生殖器官. This exception shall not be applicable when the attending Physician certifies that such diseases or conditions are treated on an emergency basis; 6. Cosmetic and/or elective surgery unless caused by Injury or done for reconstructive purposes due to Injury or Sickness; 7. 中毒(根据发生损失的州法律的定义)或对酒精或任何非法或受管制的物质上瘾, 包括药物过量治疗, 戒毒和康复. This would not apply to treatment when a controlled substance is administered by a Physician and taken according to the Physician’s instructions; 8. Treatment provided outside the United 状态s of America, its possessions and territories; or 9. The administration of any drug or device that is not approved by the U.S. 食物 & 美国药品管理局(FDA), 包括但不限于 any implant used for drug delivery.

Pre-existing Condition Limitations: These policies do not cover any loss incurred which is caused by or results from a pre-existing 保单中规定的疾病或身体状况, 受某些抗辩规定的时限限制.


This policy does not provide benefits for any loss incurred which is caused by or results from:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, complications of pregnancy shall be considered as a Sickness; 2. Any attempt at suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted Injury, whether sane or insane; 3. Mental or nervous disease or disorder for more than 30 days per calendar year for the same or related disease or disorder; 4. Routine well-baby care for newborn children; 5. Any type of hernia or hemorrhoids or any ailment or disease of the tonsils, 腺样体, 如果在本保单对被pp王者电子官网人生效后90天内开始隔离,则不得使用生殖器官. This exception shall not be applicable when the attending Physician certifies that such diseases or conditions are treated on an emergency basis; 6. Cosmetic and/or elective surgery unless caused by Injury or done for reconstructive purposes due to Injury or Sickness; 7. 中毒(根据发生损失的州法律的定义)或对酒精或任何非法或受管制的物质上瘾, 包括药物过量治疗, 戒毒和康复. This would not apply to treatment when a controlled substance is administered by a Physician and taken according to the Physician’s instructions; 8. Treatment provided outside the United 状态s of America, its possessions and territories; or 9. The administration of any medication or device that is not approved by the U.S. 食物 & 美国药品管理局(FDA).

已存在疾病限制:本保单不包括因已存在疾病或身体状况引起或导致的任何损失, 在策略中定义, 受某些抗辩规定的时限限制.


This policy does not provide benefits for any loss incurred which is caused by or results from:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, Complications of Pregnancy shall be considered as a Sickness; 2. Elective abortions; however, elective abortions to preserve the life of the female upon whom the abortion is performed, shall be considered as a Sickness; 3. Any attempt at suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted Injury, whether sane or insane; 4. Mental or nervous disease or disorder for more than 30 days per calendar year for the same or related disease or disorder; 5. Routine well-baby care for newborn children; 6. 整容手术, 但由于创伤而附带或随后进行的整形手术不包括重建手术, 受累部位的感染或其他疾病, and reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or Congenital Anomaly of a covered dependent child; or 7. Treatment provided outside the United 状态s of America, its possessions and territories.

已存在疾病限制:本政策不否认, 排除或限制受保人在个人pp王者电子官网生效日期后超过12个月因已有疾病而发生的承保费用的福利.


This policy does not provide benefits for any loss incurred which is caused by or results from:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, complications of pregnancy shall be considered as a Sickness; 2. Any attempt at suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted Injury, whether sane or insane; 3. Mental or nervous disease or disorder for more than 30 days per calendar year for the same or related disease or disorder; 4. Routine well-baby care for newborn children; 5. Any type of hernia or hemorrhoids or any ailment or disease of the tonsils, 腺样体, 如果在本保单对被pp王者电子官网人生效后90天内开始隔离,则不得使用生殖器官. This exception shall not be applicable when the attending Physician certifies that such diseases or conditions are treated on an emergency basis; 6. Cosmetic and/or elective surgery unless caused by Injury or done for reconstructive purposes due to Injury or Sickness; 7. 中毒(根据发生损失的州法律的定义)或对酒精或任何非法或受管制的物质上瘾, 包括药物过量治疗, 戒毒和康复. This would not apply to treatment when a controlled substance is administered by a Physician and taken according to the Physician’s instructions; 8. Treatment provided outside the United 状态s of America, its possessions and territories; or 9. The administration of any drug or device that is not approved by the U.S. 食物 & 美国药品管理局(FDA), 包括但不限于 any implant used for drug delivery.

Pre-existing Condition Limitations: These policies do not cover any loss incurred which is caused by or results from a pre-existing 保单中规定的疾病或身体状况, 受某些抗辩规定的时限限制.


This policy does not provide benefits for any loss incurred which is caused by or results from:

1. Normal pregnancy and childbirth; however, complications of pregnancy shall be considered as a Sickness; 2. Any attempt at suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted Injury, whether sane or insane; 3. Mental or nervous disease or disorder for more than 30 days per calendar year for the same or related disease or disorder; 4. Routine well-baby care for newborn children; 5. Any type of hernia or hemorrhoids or any ailment or disease of the tonsils, 腺样体, 如果在本保单对被pp王者电子官网人生效后90天内开始隔离,则不得使用生殖器官. This exception shall not be applicable when the attending Physician certifies that such diseases or conditions are treated on an emergency basis; 6. Cosmetic and/or elective surgery unless caused by Injury or done for reconstructive purposes due to Injury or Sickness; 7. 中毒(根据发生损失的州法律的定义)或对酒精或任何非法或受管制的物质上瘾, 包括药物过量治疗, 戒毒和康复. This would not apply to treatment when a controlled substance is administered by a Physician and taken according to the Physician’s instructions; 8. Treatment provided outside th possessions and territories; or 9. The administration of any drug or device that is not approved by the U.S. 食物 & 美国药品管理局(FDA), 包括但不限于 any implant used for drug delivery.

Pre-existing Condition Limitations: These policies do not cover any loss incurred which is caused by or results from a pre-existing 保单中规定的疾病或身体状况, 受某些抗辩规定的时限限制.


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